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Saturday, 7 May 2022


This collection of books is a small, but growing example of the millions of books, journals, periodicals, and academic papers we are currently tracking and indexing. We are updating this library constantly. Please return often and review this library as it evolves.

This library is the first step on our way to making Mathesis Universalis (the long-sought search for a unifying principle in all that we know and experience) a reality. Soon our knowledge representations, in their many forms, will be accessible from the pop-up dialogues which appear when you click/tap on a book's entry in the overview you see. Other types of knowledge sources; such as social media activity, websites, E-Mails, audio, video,... are also going to be included in our tracking and indexing system.

I, Carey G. Butler, have been working on this idea since 1989 during my study of Foundational Mathematics and Complex Analysis. I then moved to Germany in 1990 to continue my study (this time in the original German language) of many German mathematicians and philosophers such as Carl Friedrich Gauss, Bernhard Riemann, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz,... During that first year I began to formalise the idea as I began to learn the German language more intensively.

The journey has been a long one and was finally conceptually refined in March of 2009. The journey has taken many, many turns in the years since. I have made several key discoveries in mathematics, philosophy, and linguistics along the way which I, due to my concerns about priority, have not yet published. A few of these discoveries are documented elsewhere though, but I have been very careful to withhold many aspects of their details until I was able to find and/or adapt current technologies to bring them to a useful expression and application in their fullness. I was confronted with many obstacles and challenges, but I never gave up. For more information about my plans, please visit our website at Mathesis Universalis in English or Mathesis Universalis auf Deutsch.

As it stands, we could have created this library application a year ago. It is, in itself, nothing very special for programmers who know how to build applications like it. However, as we developed and tested the predecessor to this application, it soon became very clear that the sheer volume of data being manipulated was creating increasing demands on the conventional technology we were using at the time. Our concerns about processing time, network speed, and infrastructural demands forced us to step back and create a better foundation which could be scaled to any degree. We have spent the last 8 months (August 2021 - April 2022) building a 'symphony' of cloud applications and an infrastructure which is now fast, reliable, and scalable.

Towards that aim, this library represents the 'orchestration' of a collection of cloud apps we created or have forked and modified for our purposes that is distributed over several servers. Its backend is primarily driven by a distributed Couchbase database to store and to manipulate the massive amount of data. Also other kinds of databases are implemented for temporary storage or for the frontend's presentation and housekeeping.

We are currently developing a Progressive Web App which will use this library as one of its sources to present our knowledge representation.

Finally, after 13 years of investment of all kinds and, on the 8th birthday of one of my most important discoveries ('We Have a Heartbeat'),...

The stage is set... let the play begin!

The stage is set... let the play begin!

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Is the P=NP Problem an NP Problem?

What I’m going to say is going to be unpopular, but I cannot reconcile my own well-being without giving you an answer to this problem from my perspective.

My only reason for reluctantly writing this, knowing what kind of reaction I could receive is, because I abhor that some of the best minds on our planet are occupying themselves with this problem. It pains me to no end to see humanity squandering its power for a problem that, as it is currently framed, is unanswerable. It goes further than this though. There will come a time when questions such as this one will be cast upon the junk heap of humanity’s growth throughout history. It will take its rightful place along such ideas as phrenology.

Here’s why I say this:

The problem is firmly and completely embedded in Functional Reductionism. I say this, because the problem’s framing requires us to peel away the contextual embedding of the problems which it is supposed to clarify.

This is just one of its problems. Here’s another:

Since the data for this problem (and those like it) are themselves algorithms, they are compelled to be functionally reduced versions of mind problem solving (varying types of heuristics and decision problems) which reduces the problem’s causal domain and its universe of discourse even further. How can a specification based upon functionally reduced data be again used as data for the problem’s solution in the first place?

That means that this problem has no independent existence nor causal efficacy. Everywhere I have looked at this problem, the definitions of NP-Hard and NP-Complete do not lead to proving anything useful. We cannot ‘generalise’ the mind by reducing it to some metric of complexity. Complexity is also not how the universe works as Occam’s Razor[1] shows.

I am prepared to defend my position should someone have the metal to test me on this. Another thing: I wish I could have left this alone, but we all need to wake up to this nonsense.

[1] http://bit.ly/2GHbRkW How Occam's Razor Works


Thursday, 29 March 2018

Getting Hypertension About Hyperreals

(Links below)

This system is quite interesting if we allow ourselves to talk about the qualities of infinite sets as if we can know their character completely. The problem is, any discussion of an infinite set includes their definition which MAY NOT be the same as any characterisation which they may actually have.

Also, and more importantly, interiority as well as exteriority are accessible without the use of this system. These 'Hyperreals' are an ontological approach to epistemology via characteristics/properties we cannot really know. There can be no both true and verifiable validity claim in this system.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJWe1BunlXI (Part1)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBmJWEQTl1w (Part2)

Saturday, 30 December 2017

“How much knowledge does the understanding in words contain?"

Words are symbolic indications and/or conveyors of meaning and are not that meaning in themselves.

Meaning is found, stored, and manipulated in our minds. This is why different languages are capable, in varying degrees of usefulness, to convey meaning which is very similar to that found via the symbols of any other.

It is also the reason why there are words indicating meaning that are not found in other languages; or, if found in a different language, the other language requires more of its own structure, dynamics, and resonance to convey the same meaning.

For example: the words ‘déjà vu’ in French are found in German ‘schon gesehen’ and in English ‘already seen’, but these phrases do not convey the full meaning found in the French version. To counter this deficit, their meaning in other languages must be ‘constructed’ out of or ‘fortified’ by the careful use of longer strings of symbols. This additional construction and/or fortification may even fail at times. This is often where the word phrase from a different language is simply added to the language in which the concept is missing.

This same situation is found in the literature of many languages. The words used to convey meaning are condensed and may contain more meaning than is usually the case. In this regard, even the person reading/hearing the words may not possess the competence necessary to catch this condensed meaning in its fullness.

Mathematical expressions, albeit more precise, are also indications of meaning. They are more robust in their formulation, but at ever-increasing depth and scope, even they may fail to reliably or conveniently convey meaning.

Our understanding of what words mean is not always accurate, but where our mutual understanding of the meaning of words overlaps, and the degree to which they overlap, is where their meaning can be shared.

Our own personal understanding of words is measured by our ability to apply their meaning in our lives.
There is also a false meme, which I would like to clarify.

“Knowledge is Power!”

It is wrongly said that ‘Knowledge is power’. The truth is another: Knowledge is the measure of usefulness of what we understand and is the only true expression of its ‘power’.

The value of Knowledge is found in its usefulness and not in its possession.

My Quora Answer

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Is using an heuristic to make a decision logically sound?

By its very definition it is logical - even if that logic may be abstract or incomplete.

Whether it is sound (logically) or not, is determined by what is called a validity test.

Here is a diagram based upon traditional logic. Looking these in a more detailed way:

With an heuristic, its ‘validity’ is solely determined by its usefulness to a purpose. The measure or nature of that usefulness is how effective it is.

Answer on Quora